Tuesday, April 20, 2010

100 Wish Quilt

My first two quilt squares!!


  1. Thank you for sharing your blog! I can't wait to follow along. Love your daughter's name and your quilt squares look awesome! Are you still collecting squares???

    Congratulations - this is a special time in your life - a true blessing!!!

  2. Thank you! I have just started the quilt blocks. I've never quilted before, but I do sew. It has been fun!! I am so excited!!!

  3. Very nice. If you send me your address I'll send you a block. I have to get my butt in gear and do one for each of the girls. I'd never heard of these before with Kaileigh's adoption and I was just too stressed with Sienna's. I think it's a great idea. I figure by the time I get them done they'll be wedding presents. LOL
    I'm sooooo excited for you. I can't wait to follow you in China.
    Take care.
